Basil seed juice is a beverage made from soaking basil seeds in water or other liquids. These seeds come from the sweet basil plant (Ocimum basilicum) and are often used in Southeast Asian cuisines and traditional medicine for their potential health benefits.


Almond drinks, also known as almond milk, are dairy-free alternatives made by blending almonds with water and often straining the mixture to remove solids.


Aloe vera juice is a beverage made from the gel extracted from the leaves of the aloe vera plant. Aloe vera has been used for centuries for its potential health benefits and medicinal properties.


Coconut water is a clear liquid found inside young, green coconuts and is often referred to as nature’s sports drink due to its hydrating properties and electrolyte content.


Coconut milk is a creamy, milky-white liquid made from the grated flesh of mature brown coconuts. It’s a popular ingredient in many cuisines worldwide, especially in Southeast Asian, Indian, and Caribbean cooking.


Fortified wines are wines to which a distilled spirit, usually brandy, has been added. This process increases the alcohol content and also stabilizes the wine, making it more resistant to spoilage.


Coconut cream is a thick, rich, and creamy substance derived from the flesh of mature coconuts. It’s similar to coconut milk but has a higher concentration of coconut flesh and less water.


Date paste is a natural sweetener made by blending dates with water to form a smooth, thick consistency. Dates are naturally very sweet and have a caramel-like flavor, making date paste an excellent alternative to refined sugars.


It seems there might be a confusion or a misspelling in the term “coco beans.” If you meant “cocoa beans,” they are the primary ingredient used in making chocolate and cocoa products.


Cocoa powder is a fine, unsweetened powder made from cocoa beans after they have been processed, roasted, dried, and ground. It’s a fundamental ingredient used in baking, confectionery, and beverages to impart chocolate flavor without the added sugars or fats found in chocolate bars.


Caffeinated beverages are drinks that contain caffeine, a natural stimulant found in various plants like coffee beans, tea leaves, cacao beans (chocolate), and some other sources.


Low-alcohol beverages, also known as non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks, contain minimal to trace amounts of alcohol. These beverages are designed to provide options for individuals who want to limit their alcohol intake, including those who avoid alcohol for health, personal, religious, or cultural reasons.

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